Anti Aging Treatments, a combination approach of mesotherapies, acupuncture and microcurrent with added homeopathic remedies to increase the clinical outcome,
My belief is that" Health is Beauty and Beauty is Health", as an Acupuncture Physician I strives to marry the modalities of natural medicine and cosmetic and anti aging medicine.
A comprehensive approach to anti aging means not only the assessment of the possible endocrine, metabolic or nutritional imbalances that contribute to aging, especially of the skin or connective tissue: but also to provide effective and safe treatment strategies. This is done as with all other medical interventions through evaluation, history, assessment, physical and laboratory evaluation. As clinicians we are able to address the main cosmetic aspects that a patient may chiefly or feel present to me their Acupuncture Physician. With the boom of cosmetic procedures and increasingly technical anti aging industry our patients have become very well versed in the possible treatments available to them. Cosmetic procedures are suited to naturopathic practice because they are personalized, preventative, non-invasive, low-risk, involve natural or naturally derived substances.
Lines and wrinkles formation is a well-known sign of skin aging, influenced by both intrinsic and ex-trinsic factors. The numerous intrinsic factors are age, gender, genetic disposition and race. The biological changes attributed to these factors can also be termed chronological aging skin. Extrinsic factors include UV light, weather and climate influences, nutrition, tobacco and alcohol abuse.
The severity of aging may be dependant on these extrinsic aspects. this is known as photo aging, ultimately skin aging is also created an important physiological aspect such as the decreasing of hydration and the barrier and thus immune function, slower cutaneous metabolic activity and a decrease in activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
The cosmetic patient coming in for skin concerns will basically have one or more of the following four issues to improve: color, tone, texture and slackening of their skin ( or to eliminate wrinkled skin).
Problems of the skin color or dyschromia may present as situations such as melasma, lentigo, and telengectasia. usually these develop as a result of the effect of UV radiation. the effect on the melanocyte is alteration and migration of melanin to more superficial levels and the action of free radicals on the blood vessels. this is known as photo aging. Problems with the skin tone may be defined as a loss of radiance or uniformity. The most effective treatment for the brown and red spots and loss of skin tone is the use of intense pulse light therapies (IPL) with the use of laser platform, but also homeopathy's such as liver tonics will clear these discolorations.
Some factors which are responsible for wrinkle development:
Metabolic factors such as hormonal deficiencies, lack of collagen
Ultraviolet rays ( sunlight over exposure)
Tobacco (diminishes skin oxygenation)
inadequate diet especially lack of adequate quality protein and essential fats.
excess alcohol
loss of teeth/improper chewing
Environmental dryness
absence of cosmetic skincare-important for helping hydration
abrupt weight loss
Gravity (especially affects the eyelids and neck)
sleep lines, caused by prolonged expression during sleep, or accentuation due to side slept on.
Types of wrinkles
Expression wrinkles:
these occur because the skin on its own does not have muscle structures; it is the underlying muscle contraction that determines its shape. As time goes on due to loss of underlying tissue tone and elasticity the skin is not able to relax and so the initial wrinkles in the skin remain and worsen.
These may be much more evident at,
- the external angle of the eyes (crows feet)
-Nasalabial folds
-Glabella area
-perioral lines
-Vertical lines on cheeks
Gravitation Wrinkles:
These are the wrinkles which are accentuated due to loss of fatty tissue, bone loss or loss of teeth.
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