"Yin and Yang"
From whatever angle one looks at the Universe, from worlds gravitating in space to the smallest particles of the atom, all is nothing but a perpetual rhythmic movement. Do we not find essentials in the Hermic Laws: "What is above is like what is below.
All is vibration; nothing is inert.
Everything vibrates; everything is double; everything has two sides, everything has two poles."
Terrestrial life, in its animal and vegetable aspect, has evolved under the same law of alteration of ascension and decadence. Must we not submit to the rhythms of periods of dryness and humidity, of hot and cold seasons, of day and night? Human life, physically as well as mentally, obeys the same rhythmic, universal laws of evolution.
When we consider the perpetual instability of our biological equilibrium in the most favorable conditions of health-the movement of regulation which causes us to oscillate from one position to another, from sleep to effort, from maximum to minimum in temperature, from hunger to satiety, from anabolism to catabolism-we understand what mechanism of constant recovery we are carried along from one extreme to another. The mechanism becomes singularly more obvious when we view it in the light of pathological amplification. in fact, whether it is to stop a pathological crisis or maintain the physiological rhythm in its most habitual order, the organism must constantly re-establish an equilibrium which all the natural forces of the environment tend to compromise.
Medical science, which has rejected the old idea of "Vital Force", does not allow us to glimpse how to act on these rhythms of which we more or less feel the importance of in a confused way, depending upon the discipline to which we subscribe.
While homeopathy, a medicine for the constitution, had already given us increased therapeutic possibilities, there was still the need to re-establish certain imbalances. The forces of "Yin-Yang", The universe is oscillation of the two activities, they are both defined only relatively. Yin-Yang, their actions and their mutations are constant. it is obvious that a disequilibrium of these two forces can produce illness. But how should we live in this unique principle?
As always in this delicate subject, certain propositions will be shown to be erroneous, while others will be considered truly prophetic and it is in this spirit we must read and meditate
as Acupuncturists, when in proof of time and daily practice has shown the immense value
and which We know how to manipulate this Rhythmic Energy into harmony with the great rhythm of nature to establish health within .
"The one who has written these truths into the great immortal book of human potentials, is wresting from the vastness of time a morsel of permanence, cannot be said to have lived and worked in vain."
What can Acupuncture Cure?
First, it is advisable to point out that Acupuncture can be used with little risk; it does not introduce poisons foreign elements- into the body; nor does it conflict with other treatment. in fact, it is often reported to augment the effect of chemical or homeopathic medicines, and dosages may often be reduced. the only risk in these conditions is the possibility of failure that leaves the patient in exactly the original state. Thus, Acupuncture can be used with no risk in circumstances where indications for its use are even uncertain.
Acupuncture is capable not only to cure but also to prevent.
The first sign of illness is changes in personality, in fact, this is the very beginning of illness. If Acupuncture is used initially in this first stage, Acupuncture is most effective and sometimes said to be capable of curing anything. All energetic therapies must be considered as first line, prevention measures which avoid the progression of an illness toward a lesion which is more difficult to cure,
Prevention is unquestionably the highest form of medicine, cure what is not yet an illness, but the average person cures only when there is an illness present.
This medicine applies to prevention against future development of disease as well as against the repercussions of illness in organs that are still functioning well.
It is impossible to enumerate all the varieties of functional troubles cured by acupuncture. it is enough to cite some extracts of reports and publications of eminent doctors
in the article Dr, Ferreyrolles and I published in "science Medicale Practique of June 1929, our first results are summarized;
" We have tried the method; the results we have obtained are surprising and unexpected, the immediate cessation of severe sciatic pain and facial neuralgia for which all oher treatments had failed. asthmatic crises stopped in a few moments. Some crises of spasmodic corcyza have had long reissions. Hemorroidshave yielded to treatment. some gastric crisis have had immediate relief. Constipation and urinary incontinence have been cured."
It is amazing at first glance that a treatment so simple and effective- has been known for so short time in USA and Europe. Well, it here for us to enjoy along with its other possibilities, it brings an effective and powerful aid to the battle against suffering and disease. It is my hope that acupuncture will be used and understood by a larger group of people and keep growing in the scientific and medical world as well as in the public view and allow researchers to continue their work more easily so that they may finally attain a complete understanding of its actions on our "Vital Force"
Acupuncture treatments available by appointment only
Preventative and Rejuvenating Medicine
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