In the 1980's I came across and noted author, Madeline L'Engle, penned an award-winning novel for young adults entitled, "A Wrinkle in Time", which, in its wonderful invention, appealed to the inner child of a wide-ranging adult audience.
In the course of the story, the young girl, Meg Clearly, "tesseracts" through space and time. In so doing she transcends our quotidian 3-dimensional reality, and experiences a realm in which every instant of time co-exists in a perpetual present.
Those Baby Boomer children of the 1960's are very similarly questing to re-invent themselves, to look and feel beautiful, healthy, creative, and whole. In their desire to remain vital and vibrant, their focus is to "catching a wrinkle in time"-seeking to minimize the visual evidence of aging, while likewise living each moment to its maximum in that state of eternal "now".
While in our culture, physical beauty tend to be associated with superficiality and a corresponding lack of spirituality profundity, it seems that the ancient world recognized this desirable human attribute as more than skin deep- a perspective that links a beguiling outer appearance to manifest emergence of the deeper qualities of soul. This pre-modern notion of beauty as an aggregate of physical attractiveness and spiritual dept implies the existence of a deeper union between body and spirit, and reflects a multifaceted tapestry of possibilities for greater health and well being, in balance.
This treatment for Constitutional Facial Acupuncture Renewal are offering a comprehensive constitutional treatment that views the face as a mirror of the overall health and well-being of the body. This approach seeks to achieve more than just a pretty face, transforming and renewing the essential and original quality and beauty of life as well. A synergy of methods is employed to first address the individuals constitutional make-up before the purely cosmetic considerations.
It is important to pre-screen the underlying constitutional issues are addressed prior to any facial acupuncture; for example, acute migraine headaches, or any conditions menopausal hot-flashes, tobacco addictions and alcohol consumption are all factors to be considered into the treatment for a desirable outcome..
Prior to treatment the patient is informed of realistic expectations for the treatment and the outcome all benefits are outlined as well, which may include but not limited to, the improvement of skin and muscle tone, receding of lines, and diminished deep wrinkles. the treatment increases the local blood flow and lymph circulation, therefore reduces bags, puffiness, sagging, and by its constitutional approach, can treat TMJ, Bell's Palsy, neuropathy, help with sinus problems, sinus headaches, gynecological problems and digestive-disorders, hypo-hyper-thyroidism and many other health concerns.
Final thought, These treatments are designed to reveal the natural goodness and beauty in each patients appearance, of whatever age. I aim not for the mere appearance of youth, nor do we adopt a cosmetic approach that creates what we might term as facial tabula rasa-- visage seemingly unmarked by the passage of time, reflecting in its unblemished smoothness a " brow" completely unfurrowed by "thought" or personal experience. This is an organic, gradual process, but, after 12-15 treatments, most patients will appear to have shed between five to ten years of age. Often, too, this facial renaissance becomes the outward physical manifestation of an inner transformation that can be literally life-changing. an increased sense of well-being, worth and self-esteem blossoms for these patients, and they radiate a new confidence and Joy,
Welcome to see me for a complimentary consultation at no charge,
visit me at www.fourcornerschiropractic.com/acupuncture
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